Victor I. Gavron, Ph. D.


 Los Alamos Nuclear Science and Engineering (LANSCE) LLC,

716 Pinon Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87501, 505-412-7076,


Qualifications summary:

·         Dr. Gavron is a Ph.D. Nuclear Scientist, retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in 2014, after 36 years there.  Subsequently served as consultant to DOE and DHS

·         He has extensive experience in management and program development, pursuing and obtaining funding and staffing opportunities

·         He is a leader, innovator, and motivator


Work experience details


·         Leadership of programs including

Ø  Basic nuclear science

Ø  Applied nuclear science

Ø  Nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards science

Ø  Simulation of nuclear systems

Ø  Homeland security systems

Ø  Health Physics


·         Management experience:

Ø  Deputy Group Leader, “Neutron Nuclear Science”, (Staff of 20)

Ø  Group Leader, “Safeguards Science and Technology”, (Staff of 80)

Ø  Acting Deputy Division Leader, “Non-proliferation and International Security”, (Staff of 400)

Ø  Spokesperson for several physics research projects at national labs around the USA


·         Government agencies Dr. Gavron worked with:

Ø  Department of Energy

Ø  Department of Homeland Security

Ø  Department of State (including 2-year assignment in Washington, DC)

Ø  Department of Defense (Defense Threat Reduction Agency)


·         Awards:

Ø  State Department Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service

Ø  (LANL Team) Distinguished Performance Award – Second Line of Defense


·         Publications:

Ø  69 refereed publications and 48 conference proceedings publications.